Accept quick and secure international card payments via your website checkout or Payments Links, 24/7 with UnionPay
UnionPay is a major card acceptance that's popular in countries globally, helping UK merchants open in to new markets

UnionPay is easy-to-use via your Website Payments checkout page or Payment Links, at just the click of a button
Simply get your customers to select it at the point of sale, authorise the SMS and you'll be paid in no time

Once your customer has visited the checkout, get them to select UnionPay and enter their card details.
Once completed, your customer will get an SMS, get them to authorise this by entering the code
Your customer should be notified of the transaction being completed and returned to your website if using a checkout
UnionPay is an international card scheme that services millions of consumers with acceptance in 183 countries and regions with issuance in 82 countries and regions. UnionPay is a popular card payment method in Asia and Central Europe, opening opportunities for your business to grow into new markets, such as Tourism.
To accept a payment UnionPay Card, get your customers to follow the usual card payment process at the checkout by selecting the UnionPay payment method at the website checkout or via the Payment Link you've sent them, entering their card details, and then verifying via SMS.
UnionPay is yet to be available on POS terminals, and the Virtual Terminal currently doesn't accept UnionPay.
If you're using our Website Payments or Payment Links products that don't have UnionPay mentioned in your current agreement, please get in touch using the details below to arrange a new agreement with UnionPay included. If you joined during 2023, you may already have UnionPay detailed in your current agreement and won't need to take any action, please check your agreement to ensure it's mentioned. We'll get in touch once enabled.
All UnionPay transactions made via our Website Payments and Payment Links solutions are settled directly through DNA Payments, and detailed on your monthly statements, all of which are accessed, managed and monitored in real-time via our Merchant Portal.